Isto é unha o que a profesora de inglés chama unha minisaga, un pequeno relato dunhas 50 palabras que tiven que presentarlle hoxe. Gustoume como quedou.
She was walking downstairs dressed in a blood colour, looking like a fairy tale princess. Here eyes were looking straight at me, making butterflies in my stomach appear. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was trying to get closer to me, but an invisible screen was avoiding it.
I opened my eyes again. I was suffering a heart attack.
She was walking downstairs dressed in a blood colour, looking like a fairy tale princess. Here eyes were looking straight at me, making butterflies in my stomach appear. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was trying to get closer to me, but an invisible screen was avoiding it.
I opened my eyes again. I was suffering a heart attack.
1 comentarios:
Me gusta tu estilo.
Ahora me entraron las ganas de ir a ver la exposición que te comenté hace tiempo de literatura en objetos de la vida cotidiana. Mecachis.. .. ..
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